You are not alone. We are here to help.

If you’re feeling scared and alone right now, please know that having an abortion is an experience many people share. Whatever reason you have for making your decision, it’s valid and good enough. You’re the expert on your own life and only you can decide what’s best for your future and your family.

This page contains a some key information. Review this guide to internet privacy and then find us on Reddit.

Abortion is legal in most US states. You can still get the care you need.

Clinics are open and providing abortion care in all states where abortion is legal. Financial assistance is available. It may be difficult to get an appointment right away, so call as soon as possible. No matter what you read online or hear from a friend, it is legal to get an abortion in another state. You can head to iNeedanA or Abortion Finder for more information about clinic options, telehealth, and funding assistance. If you have questions, find us on Reddit at r/abortion.

For state-by-state guides,
Abortion Finder.

Bans in effect as of Feb 27, 2024 @ 9:00 pm eastern

Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, & West Virginia: Total abortion ban
(Missouri and North Dakota do not have bans in effect, but there are no abortion services in state at this time.)

Florida: Banned after 6 weeks, 0 days LMP*

Georgia, Iowa, & South Carolina: banned after embryonic cardiac activity (“heartbeat”) at around 6 weeks LMP.*

Nebraska: banned after 11 weeks, 6 days LMP*

North Carolina: banned after 12 weeks, 6 days LMP*

Utah: banned after 18 weeks, 0 days LMP

*LMP= Last Menstrual Period

Pregnancy is measured by counting the weeks and days since the first day of your last menstrual period. It is not measured from conception.

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